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City landscape with buildings showing green roofs

EXTREME Heat GLOBAL Emergency Response

  • Effect behavior change at scale that reduces the impacts of heat and achieves systemic change

  • Build global awareness through early warning systems

  • Support women's on-the-ground leadership to address the multiple impacts of heat in communities

  • Support heat action planning and preparation

people and nature

  • Scale nature-based solutions (e.g., urban forests, green roofs, open spaces, and water systems)

  • Accelerate sustainable, clean cooling (e.g., cool roofs and surfaces, and optimize blended active and passive interventions)

  • Protect farmers and food security (e.g. small-scale farmers and market sellers)

Green roof on a building
A row of African women planting rice


  • Establish trusted partnerships in communities to co-design and deliver solutions and supporting programs 

  • Advance the adaptation finance field by building the conditions and strategies for scaled action, prioritizing gender-focused solutions 

womeN IN 

  • Support networks that prepare and elevate women leaders for public service roles to advance climate adaptation and resilience policies

Indian woman wearing white holding a microphone in a room with other women

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