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Press release

World-first financial product combining insurance and cash payments for extreme heat is a lifeline for 50,000 informal

women workers in India

June 13,  2024 - Today a financial protection product that combines insurance, cash for lost income and soon, an early warning system, secures livelihoods for 50,000 low-income women in India, offering a renewed hope that alongside efforts to mitigate climate impacts, adapting to a warmer world is feasible.

press release

Renowned Climate Journalist and Editor Joins Climate Resilience for All as Extreme Heat Editor

Apr. 30, 2024 --Laurie Goering joins Climate Resilience for All as the world’s first extreme heat editor.


Press release

Women’s Climate Shock

Insurance: A Safety Net for


Dec. 5, 2023 -- Today, at a session during the U.N. Climate Conference of the Parties (COP28) in the United Arab Emirates, Climate Resilience for All launched the Women’s Climate Shock Insurance Initiative for extreme heat and flood to support the livelihoods of 150,000 women in India and Pakistan.  

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